New Year
Cries the star at dawn, whom twilight
birthed in heaven's gown last night,
lamenting fall her tears of dew
on earth that knows but yesterday:
where plays the wind its dirge
through harps of splintered memory,
and celebrates by sun's rising gleam
what died at dusk is born again this day.
Run singing madly streams all clotted ice,
plashing meadows wetly frozen underfoot,
pasture silent, barn and steaming byre
and at the center: hearth and home.
Pad you silent in this dawn, wake none
but go to light your stove, throw drapes aside
your children sleeping still and unaware
but knowing in their tumbling dreams a home.
Smile and cast away the year-gone-by.
Ensorcel good-to-come, with kisses and affection.
Cast your doubt and fears and hate aside
So love and laughter mark the first day of this year.
And as you goose and trick and clown
and play such silly games that laughter turns to tears
know that nothing wished can match
the wishes that your love-filled hearts might bear.